This week we heard from Dr. Bradlee Robbert, Director of Operations of UF Health Proton Therapy. Robbert shared the successes of the past ten years, and how they have helped over 10,000 patients tackle their specific cancers with their state-of-the-art technology of focusing proton rays to precise cancer locations, avoiding burns and unnecessary harm to other parts of the body.

The Jacksonville center began with prostate cancer but now takes on many cancers of children, as well as breast, eye, and other focused areas.
This location was the fourth in the country, but now shares this expertise with 42 locations. They only operate Monday through Friday, leaving the weekends for patients to take a break with their eight-week therapies, as well as use the time to tweak their equipment.

Robbert invited our members to take a tour of the facility when we want to organize a group. The fascinating machinery originally costs over $100 million to build and can require up to 90,000 square feet to house. Luckily, today, smaller units are being developed and run about $20 million each.

Also, this week, Regent Ducas hosted a Business After Hours to see his new facility. Many members attended and had a great time. Our club momentum is building, and the excitement of a new Membership Drive is in the air. Please see the article in this newsletter to learn how you can participate. Have a great week and I hope to see you this Wednesday.

Jeanne Maron
2023 President