J Walter

2021 Recipient
Jepp Walter
(Past President)

Marlin Technology

Volunteer of the Year

Serving as Chairman of a project is not always possible due to the time restraints placed on business people today. In 2005, President Steve Johnston established an annual award to recognize members giving of their time in the volunteer role.

The first recipient, Art Fields, gave many volunteer hours even before joining the Club July 6, 2005. Art always felt it was important to support the organization by participating in as many events as possible. He often took on tasks refused by others. His dedication and love for our Club was commendable.

Art Fields passed away in August 2006. In his memory the Board of Governors voted to rename the “Volunteer of the Year Award” to the “Art Fields Volunteer of the Year Award”

Southside Business Men’s Club Awards 2015

Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award

One of the goals of our business club is to promote the image and quality of business. One of the ways this is done is by recognizing and rewarding excellence in business. With this in mind, in 1986 the Southside Business Men’s Club established an annual award for the Small Business Man of the Year and it was named after its first recipient Dyess Hartley, who passed away May 20, 1991.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award

Prior to his untimely death at age 48 on January 11, 1977, Club member Joe Cury owned a supermarket in Mandarin and led Jacksonville citizens in a battle for lower taxes and electric rates. His unselfish dedication to citizen involvement earned him the nickname, The Mandarin Warrior.

Joe Cury was a family grocer, but his reputation as a fighter for fairness and honesty in government loomed larger than life. He was respected by those who he fought to defend, and feared by public officials who incurred his wrath.

His efforts to expose the proposed Dames Point Bridge as a boon to anonymous land owners almost single handedly stopped the project for several years.

Joe Cury’s humanitarian qualities were legendary in the Southside. When coffee or certain vegetable prices rose, he displayed signs to warn his customers not to buy. At Christmas he hosted a huge party for his customers and friends and fed the multitudes.

Because of the example he set for others during his life, our Club felt his inspiration should continue to serve the community after his death. The SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award was established February 2, 1977 to encourage citizens to speak out in search of improving our community and our government.

2017: The Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Arun Venkatesan, SGS Technologies

Speaker, IT wizard, President/CEO of SGS Technologies, LLC

Arun Venkatesan is a principled man who believes in contributing to the Club and also the IT industry in every project he undertakes. Starting his journey from a small base, Arun now heads a team with a combination of expertise, charisma, and humility, which has earned him admirers from every project he has spearheaded. Arun has also supported several charity events and social causes without expecting any recognition. He continues to strive for growth in many areas: personally, professionally, and within the community of which he is honoured to be a part.

2016: Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Jack Manilla

Author, Speaker, Consultant, President/Owner Portofino Pool Services, President/Founder Portofino University, President/Founder BluDiamond Management Consultants.  Jack joined SBMC in 2009 and became an active volunteer, year after year, in almost all club events. He served as a member of the SBMC Board of Governors, SBMC Foundation and at the same time served on several other non-profit boards local state and national, rising to Chair, Board of Directors of the world’s largest international pool trade association, APSP.org and Board Chair, International World of Recreational Water Foundation, APSP.org/wrw, bringing national awareness and recognition to Northeast Florida, Jacksonville and the Southside Business Men’s Club.

2015: Volunteer of the Year Award – Jepp Walter, Marlin Technology

Jepp Walter was the Club President in 2013, and hasn’t stopped yet.  He continues to show up at virtually all meetings; still participates in Board of Governors, does the weekly auctions to raise thousands of dollars for the club, runs the fishing trip, helps with the car show, takes care of routine edits of the website, does the weekly PowerPoints, helps with the YAP Golf Tourney, and pretty much anything else he’s asked to do.  It was only fitting that Jepp won the Volunteer of the Year Award for 2015.

2014: Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Joe Lemire, Elyk Innovation

Joe joined our business club in 2009 and has been an active member for the past 6 years. In 2015 he was involved in multiple volunteer events, served as a member of the Board of Governors, and along with his staff spent 300 hours redesigning our websites.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Hank Duckworth, Duckworth Construction Co

Hank contributed to the success of our Club in 2012 by helping and personally contributing to our fund-raising activities and volunteering for many of our club-sponsored events. He showed his excitement about our organization by inviting

Volunteer of the Year Award – Harry Peltz
Harry continued his tenure as one of our most active members through his involvement in various club functions.  Whenever a sign-up sheet for volunteers was passed around, Harry’s name was usually on it if he wasn’t the one passing the book.  He went on to become a staple of the YAP Safety Patrol Program who chaired or assisted for years to come; as well as advised those who followed.  Harry continues to serve on the Scholarship committee which is near and dear to his heart.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Mark Wilkinson, Our club accountant and owner of Wilkinson & Company chartered accountants is a Past President of the club and has never stopped serving and working for the organization.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient

Volunteer of the Year – Nancy & Steve Bennett, Nancy and Steve work very hard for the club whether taking quality photos for our roster or volunteering for and running various club events. They are both very deserving of this award. When you look up the meaning of volunteering in the dictionary both their pictures are in there.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Frank Wallmeyer, As owner of the Safeguard Business Systems Franchise here in Jacksonville, Frank has grown this business each year. Frank is also a strong supporter of SBMC.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Neil Armingeon, Neil is the St. Johns Riverkeeper, which is a private non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. He serves as a full-time advocate and “watchdog” for the St. Johns River, its watershed, and the public to whom it belongs.

Volunteer of the Year – Barbara Buzby, Barbara is the hardest working woman on the Southside. She keeps up an amazing pace and somehow finds time to dedicate herself to the club’s volunteer activities. Barbara is at almost every event and whether she is in charge, or just hard charging, she always makes a difference. We love her spirit, and we value her fellowship.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Charles McBurney, Charles McBurney is an Attorney and owns his own practice, Law Offices of Charles McBurney, Jr. Charles is a reputable attorney who frequently donates his services to our Club.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient

Volunteer of the Year – Mark Bergan, Mark is the President of Bergan Communications Consulting and joined our Club, March 8, 2006. This new member volunteers for everything! He quickly volunteered to work with members at the Jacksonville Suns games, the Jacksonville Fair, the TPC and many others never saying no when asked to help out! Thank you Mark!


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Tim Cutting, Tim used his skills and abilities to overcome adversity and started his own business, Proscape Landscaping, from the ground up.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Alberta Hipps, for promoting and preserving the community and commercial growth of the City of Jacksonville by challenging the Mayor’s Office on the proposed US Military move to Cecil Field.

Volunteer of the Year – Art Fields, gave many volunteer hours even before joining the Club in July 2006. Art always felt it was important to support the organization by participating in as many events as possible.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Tom Harris, Vice President, General Manager, Promo Depot. Tom joined the Southside Business Men’s Club in January 2002. This year he serves as the 2nd Vice President. We appreciate the efforts constantly given by Tom and his company Promo Depot.
SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Jan Miller, Ms. Miller is a tireless advocate for her St. Nicholas community. Her concern for the community’s quality of life is far reaching from past victories to a town center grant she applied for and received. Past victories included a campaign she mounted against the amphitheater at Metro Park. Her leadership will enable St. Nicholas to continue to be a strong neighborhood.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – No Recipient

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Richard Barsky, Owner of Johnny Leverocks Seafood House. A Southside businessman who realized the American Dream of owning his own business. Through hard work and perseverance, Richard helped build a successful business while treating others fairly and maintaining a high level of civic and community involvement.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Marian Beaman took on corporate America. Through her leadership efforts, she helped stop the destruction of the natural beauty of her Killarney Shores neighborhood…resulting in a more esthetic environment for the community and Jacksonville.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Ron Mallett is a partner and Executive Vice President/CFO of Thigpen Heating & Cooling. and a past board member of SBMC.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Harry James Sherrill, Chairman of the Board of maingate.com, an Internet company established to assist military personnel in finding housing in advance of their transfers to other bases.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Jay D. Cann, Jr., owner of Kwikprint Manufacturing Co., a third generation family-owned business manufacturers of hot-stamping machines for the printing industry. The Kwikprint machine is known world wide.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Frank H. Stone, second generation owner of Carpet Concepts, Inc. dealing in rugs and fine carpets.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Gene Bushor, owner of Bushor Tree Surgeons and a Certified Arborist.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Suzanne Jenkins, Housewife and local activist served as a resident speaking out against government unfairness and the encroachment of big business.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – No Recipient

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Ted M. Hires, Sr., Founder of the First Coast Crime Victims Advocate newspaper and an outspoken crime fighter.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Jordan Ansbacher, owner of Jordan Ansbacher Realty, a commercial real estate broker.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – No Recipient


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Frank Griffin, owner and dealer-operator of two auto dealerships, Frank Griffin Chrysler-Plymouth, Jeep/Engle in Jacksonville and Orange Park.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – John Delaney, Mayoral candidate who spoke against city funds for ASE and for lowering property taxes.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Ken Williams converted the old Sam’s Warehouse building into Skate World, the only combination indoor ice-skating and inline skating rink in the country.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Judge Dorothy Pate, Children’s advocate who worked to change the juvenile justice system.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Paul Shields, President and CEO of Copytronics, Inc. founded in 1972.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Marvin Edwards, Local economist and fiscal watchdog fought Automated Skyway Express construction, its cost and projected rider ship.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Dole E. Kelley, Jr., registered Civil Engineer in Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina, Nevada and Michigan.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Barbara Broward, Chairman of the Citizens Committee to study proposed A.E.S. Cedar Bay Cogeneration project. Recommended disapproval as presented because of unneeded waste of 7,000,000 gallons daily of drinking water and harmful and dangerous air pollution.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – No Recipient

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Lucy Wallace, Co-founder of citizens Against Garbage incineration. She encouraged alternatives to incineration and was committed to environmental activities.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Woody Mills, owner of the Woody’s Bar-B-Q restaurant chain, founded in 1980.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Andy Johnson, lobbied public officials on Coal Fired Generating plants, Dames Point Bridge and downtown redevelopment. Motivated 26 civic groups, including SBMC, to oppose moving the zoo downtown.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – William P. Tuggle, Jr., owner of Crown Products Co., Inc., a manufacturer of sheet metal products for the heating and air conditioning industry.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Arnold P. “Mac” McIlwain, Supported legal action and awareness campaigns in opposition to JEA’s purchasing nuclear power and coal-fired plants and increasing electric rates.


Dyess Hartley Small Business Person of the Year Award – Harry A. Pierce, Sr. president of Harry A. Pierce and Sons, a general insurance agency.

SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Alton Lutz, C.L.U., F.L.M.I., Founded CAPS (Civic Auditorium Preservation Society) and led the opposition to the sale of the Convention Center and riverfront property at the Civic Auditorium.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Robert S. Yerkes, Attorney who fought city for increasing tolls on bridges in general and the J. Turner Butler Bridge in particular.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Jake Godbold, Mayor for outspoken promotion of our city, and for improving the city’s quality of life.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – John N. Austin, Retired civil service worker for his exposure of asbestos and hazardous waste dumping, and his fight to stop both.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – James C. Rinaman, Jr., Local attorney for his condemnation of mediocrity in public officer holders.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Frank P. Griffo, Sr., Mechanical Contractor for his outspoken patriotism and his stand against communism.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Maurice Samples, Citizens Against Pornography to drive porno shops and theatres out of the city.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Woody Cooper, Local photographer for his constant vigil over the City Council and outspokenness at their meetings.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – Ed Bell Oberle, General manager of WKTZ – Jones College Radio for his daily editorial comments.


SBMC Outspoken Citizens Award – R. T. Oldenberg, General Manager of WVOJ radio for his radio editorials.