This past week we welcomed one of our own Bruce Ackerman, Head of Global Sales at Intellicheck. Bruce spoke to us about identity theft, specifically on state issued ID theft and how underage individuals purchase IDs with the proper age and safeguards like barcodes and securities falsely imbedded in them. It goes to show the importance of business owners to not only visually skim over a driver’s license, but actually validate the ID in order to protect ourselves. Bruce mentioned that Hertz Rental loses a car each week to someone with a false ID literally walking into a storefront and being handed the keys because in most cases the clerk didn’t take that extra step. Blindness is not a defense if you become a victim.
This week we welcome Greg McGarity, CEO of the Gator Bowl where he will enlighten us on how important the event is not only for Jacksonville and our surrounding area, but also the colleges involved. Have a great week and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Jeff Volpe
2022 President