This past week we welcomed Mike Williams, President of AGX Freight. Mr. Williams discussed some of the current issues that we are seeing in relation to and with the supply chain. Regulations on transportation change often, as we have seen most recently seen with COVID. Speaking of, the current market is finally starting to get back to previous pre-COVID levels, and inventories are starting to increase and stabilize. The cost of shipping containers is also slowly decreasing and getting back to pre-Covid levels. The cost of moving freight is more involved than just adding the cost of fuel to the bill. Other things logistical companies look at when brokering prices are the housing market, manufacturing, and monitoring fluctuation in the stock market.
We had a great Meet-A-Member event hosted by Adam Canni at PW Graphic Solutions last Thursday. It was great to see how some of the art and graphics are made. This week we welcome Chris Dempsey, Immigration Lawyer who served with the Office of Immigration Litigation at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. for over a decade. It should be another can’t miss meeting. See you Wednesday!

Jeff Volpe
2022 President