Last week we welcomed Richard Nunn, The Morning Show’s Meteorologist. Nunn gave us an update on how this year’s hurricane season is looking and what current weather patterns look like globally right now. He explained that the weather models showed a lot of activity at the beginning of the season but have pretty much leveled off. Globally we saw a drier Sahara region with monsoons over India which has caused different weather patterns which could possibly cause more tropical storms this year than normal (18 possible and 9 major). Nunn also discussed how storms are classified and named.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Clay Shoot. A special thank you to past president Patrick Heatherington and Erin Eiras for chairing one of our prime fundraising events for our YAP scholarship fund. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the event. Check the calendar and get signed up; SBMC Car Show 10/22, Annual Jags Tailgate 10/23, Veterans Day float 11/11. This week we host Quinton White, Jacksonville University professor who will be speaking about the status of the St. John’s River.

Jeff Volpe
2022 President