Last week we welcomed Curt LoGiudice, Executive Director and Curator of The Catty Shack Ranch. LoGiudice gave us an update on how he started with a 5 acre plot of land and how he has turned that into a now 240 acre facility that cares for almost 40 animals. He has done all of this without grants or federal funding. The animals are taken care of by professional caretakers, Medical staff and specialists in their respected fields. I highly recommend a visit especially during feeding times.

We are in the final quarter of the year which means we have a lot of great events coming up. We will finish this month with the Car Show and the Jaguars Tailgate, and don’t forget about the Meet-a-Member at Standard Feed on Nov 3 where all of the money will be donated to the Kid’s Christmas Shopping Spree! Check the calendar and get signed up. This week we host Jay Stowe, CEO of JEA.

Jeff Volpe
2022 President