I want to thank everyone who came out and volunteered yesterday for Christmas Kids at the Target in Mandarin. We had 45 kids and it was great to see everyone in the holiday spirit. This week we have our annual meeting where we will vote on the Slate of Officers for 2023.

Last week we welcomed one of our own, City Council Member Matt Carlucci who gave us an update on what’s happening in city government. Carlucci talked about our club’s history and how being a civic minded club has made a difference in peoples’ lives. He talked about the history of consolidation and how he was the first to oppose the sale of JEA. He touched on the half cent sales tax for our schools and gave his thoughts on the upcoming mayoral race without endorsing a specific candidate.

This Wednesday is Pearl Harbor Day. We will welcome Alan Bliss from the Jacksonville Historical Society where he will be giving a talk about the impact the attack of December 7, 1941 had on Jacksonville.

Jeff Volpe
2022 President