It was nice to take a break from politicians and hear a different perspective from AG Gancarski, a local journalist. He gave us his view on the upcoming election. He spoke a lot on the mayoral race.

He felt that Donna Deegan will take the majority votes for the Democrats, and most likely run against Daniel Davis. Most of the Republican voters are switching to Davis as they know he is the frontrunner. He said that Davis has primarily been attacking LeAnna Cumber. Davis will need to segment his message to gain all the Republicans. Deegan on the other hand, tends to have thin skin. He feels the final race will be a dirty one. Gancarski said he doesn’t think Deegan has the ammunition to take home the entire race. She is “untested and unprepared”. Deegan is at 37% and Davis is at 20%, according to the University of North Florida polling.

Examining the other races, he said the Property Appraiser will most likely be Joyce Morgan, polling at 43%. In the At Large race, Terrence Freeman is in the lead. In Group 2, Ron Salem and Josh Hicks are in a dead heat.

Group 5, Gancarski picks Chris Miller. Group 11, he thinks Ramon Day will emerge.

In District 5, he said Joe Carlucci is getting most of the endorsements, but a newcomer, Morgan Roberts, a San Marco businesswoman, is starting to get some leverage.

For District 7 which is a newly organized area of white Democrats (formerly primarily black), it is a vicious race. He felt that Jimmy Paluso and Joseph Hogan will have a run-off. Phillips, another candidate and the current owner of Folio, has been slanting his publication to his own election.

Finally, he feels Alberta Hipps and Rahman Johnson, District 14, will take the majority of the votes and will probably go into a runoff.

No matter which way you lean, vote on March 21st.

This Wednesday, we will hear from Greg Evans with the Florida Department of Transportation. It’s always interesting to see what’s in the future for our roads and for the safety of our transportation systems. Please join us and bring a guest. We worked our TPC shifts around our meeting so everyone could attend. Hope to see you there!


Jeanne Maron
2023 President