Last weekend we had a fantastic turnout for our Habijax Civic Project!  We were scheduled to work from 7:45a-3:30p, but with help from our NJROTC cadets of Robert E. Lee High School we wrapped up in the midst of our lunch.  Many thanks to Rod Borom for setting up this experience, also there was an unofficial motion to change the club’s name to “Rod’s Group” that day.  If you’d like to be let in on the joke, ask Rod or someone else you know attended.  Annie Howe maintained our live posting of pictures on Facebook while at the job site, and our #1 volunteer John (Rod’s son) joined us for the event.  If Rod ever loses interest, then I’m nominating Bill and Melody Bishop to lead this endeavor.  Talk about intimidating, we had 2 of Jacksonville’s premier architects on site at once.  We decided early on their talents were best utilized on opposite ends of the house.

For the first time all year I had to miss the weekly meeting and I was crushed to miss Nat Ford’s presentation, though I hear it was phenomenal.  Thank you to everyone who brought items for our special door prize auction benefitting the tournament, I hear Julie had to triage the table and move on at 10 after 1 in order to give our speaker sufficient time.  Mr. Ford fortunately still had plenty of time to finish his presentation and take questions from the crowd.  It’s a tough balancing act to manage when you have no idea how many items will be donated and then have to coordinate well with the rest of the program….no doubt our club will be in great hands next year with Julie.

There are many fun and exciting things going on at The Players this year, and Vice Chairman Adam Campbell is coming this week to tell us all about them.  Also, as we had some technical difficulties on our laptop last week, Nico Hogeveen will be presenting the golf video produced by our very own Donn Flynn.  I’m looking forward to the preview from the DFSN (Don Flynn Sports Network) on our 21st annual golf tournament coming up in less than a month.  Finally, if you haven’t signed up for our volunteer shifts at The Players this year, we could really use your help.  Our commitment is much less, but we still have several vacancies needing filled this week.  Contact Cathy Curtis and she can share what shifts are available.  Last I looked we REALLY needed help Friday and Saturday afternoons.