Jennifer Patton of Rethreaded, Inc. gave a talk addressing misconceptions about human trafficking. She explained that only a small percentage of cases involve kidnapping, while the majority involve exploiting vulnerabilities such as mental illness and addiction. Jennifer emphasized that human trafficking is not just an overseas issue; it happens in the United States as well, with Jacksonville ranking 48th for reported cases.

She highlighted the massive scale of the human trafficking industry, generating $150 billion annually worldwide, with sex trafficking accounting for two-thirds of that. Jennifer compared this to the revenue of the NFL to underscore the need for more attention and action against trafficking.

Jennifer shared Rethreaded’s approach of using business to combat trafficking. They provide employment and support services to survivors, operating an upcycling company using donated t-shirts. Rethreaded’s survivor development program focuses on holistic restoration and career development over three to five years.

She encouraged involvement through shopping at Rethreaded, donations, volunteering, and corporate gifting. Jennifer expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share their work and invited the audience to join Rethreaded in fighting human trafficking.

Next week we will hear from Jacksonville Sheriff TK Waters. Don’t forget to bring a door prize and a potential member. We have a lot of great activities coming up and we want a great attendance. See you next week!

Mike Best
2023 1st Vice President