This week we heard from Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters. His presence was well received and we heard his update on Jacksonville crime and the state of our police department.

Waters said for the size of Jacksonville, we actually need 1,000 officers but currently have 800. He has met with the upcoming mayor and made it clear that his modest request of 80 new officers would be crucial for decent coverage.

He also told us about his new plan of reorganizing the zoning of officers based on need and history for each area. He’s renaming the areas “Districts” in hopes to leave time for officers to help build relationships with neighborhoods and businesses in each District.

In addition,the homicide numbers publicized in the media tend to make Jacksonville appear as the murder capital of Florida. Waters said that the numbers are a bit off and that we are down 17 murders from last year. He said Palm Beach far exceeds our numbers but surveys take in our entire county, not just Jax.

In closing, Waters told us that our prison is in terrible shape. In his mind, he’s redesigned the old convention center to be a perfect location for a new jail, and at a much lower cost to the taxpayers.

He said that traffic stops are one of the most dangerous jobs his officers have to deal with. He is a big believer in Law and Order and only wants the best for our city.

This week, join us to hear from Aaron Bean, 4th District House of Representatives. Bean will give us an update on Congress, as well as test our trivia IQ. This meeting is always entertaining and educational. Please bring a guest and get involved. See you Wednesday!

Jeanne Maron
2023 President