This year is off to a fantastic start and it’s only going to get better!  As I said at the meeting last week, since 2008 I’ve been privileged to have served on, chaired, or overseen as an officer virtually every committee or event.  Through these experiences I’ve made many friends, enjoyed being involved, had plenty of fun, and have done a little business along the way.  More importantly I’ve had time to learn what works well, and where we can improve for greater success.


In drafting this first message, I find myself conflicted on how to address it.  For those in attendance last week, I’m pretty sure if I reiterate, for those we missed, the observations of the past and the plan I shared with you for a stellar 2016, you’ll probably skip down and read no further.  So I promise that’s not the case, just skip the next paragraph. To those not in attendance, where the heck were you?  This was pep rally week people!  Seriously though, your presence was missed.  This past Wednesday we held our annual awards ceremony where we recognized the hard work of everyone who made 2015 a great year; then it was my turn.


They say you only get one shot at a first impression, so I took the opportunity to share thoughts, observations, and feedback I’ve received over the past few years…more importantly I think everyone had a good laugh.  Then I outlined a plan in the works for years on how we’re going to make 2016 the best year SBMC has seen in decades!  It’s going to take the help of many, but I’m confident we’ll make an impact and have a great time in the process.


This year will be about the future, and every decision we make should be with that in mind.  Occasionally we’ve created something new and successful which was repeated long after it lost its luster tried; not this year.  We’re going to be strategic, creative, most of all we’re going to leave you wanting more.  If we’re not looking forward we’re falling behind.  We’ll have a greater emphasis on Community involvement; engaging our elected officials and inviting them to argue their sides of issues with their opposition as often as possible.  If it’s to our benefit, or we feel our voice is necessary, then on occasion we’ll take a position accordingly.  We’re going to try some new things, as well as resurrect some having been absent in years of late.  This will ensure not only are we Jacksonville’s Oldest, but more importantly we’re the Business and Civic Club of Choice.  So come out at least twice a month and see what we’re doing.  Tell your friends, tell your business associates, tell your customers.  I’m confident we’ll end the year stronger, accomplished, and excited for the next.


I’ll see you soon!


-Patrick Heatherington
M: 904-449-2858