Can you believe we are in November? How time flies when you are having fun. We did have fun at this last meeting. I hosted the annual Wine Tasting and Trivia and everyone in the room got into the competition. Four different wines were served, and everyone went away with some new wine knowledge.

We have so many programs still on the horizon so please don’t get too jolly to participate. First up, we have our Veteran’s Day Parade this Saturday. Even if you can’t attend the parade, we could sure use your help assembling the float this Thursday at Ken Petsch’s warehouse. Come after work and stay for a few hours. Ken promises munchies and drinks. See this newsletter for more info.

Also, we are gearing up for our Christmas Kids Shopping Day. This year, we raised enough money between the club and TPC volunteering to sponsor 41 children. Rene Zook is on the ball and has a large group of children from multiple agencies that would love to come. She said there are over 60 that could really be served but that is negotiable. If you’d like to sponsor a child (any amount will help), please go to our website and signup. The amount we are working toward is $150 per child. Let’s see if we can raise the bar.

Speaking of bars, we have our final event of the year: our annual Holiday Party. AJ Richwine and Gloria Vinson has been hard at work putting together an amazing program with a DJ that performs as well, a beautiful buffet dinner, Cash bar (first drink is on the sponsors!), and more surprises. It is at the ALoft at Tapestry Park so if you want to dance into the wee hours of the morning, book a room now under our block. The party price is Only $75 per person and guests are encouraged to come. This too, may be registered for on the website. Invitations should arrive to your home by early this week.

Please join us this Wednesday as we host Steve Kelley, Downtown Investment Authority, when we will hear all about the changes with our downtown. Bring guests and door prizes and get you and your company recognized. Have a great week and we’ll see you on Wednesday.

Jeanne Maron
2023 President