This week at our well-attended meeting, we heard from Daniel Davis, President of the Jacksonville Chamber. Davis gave us an overview of what the chamber’s focus is, as well as what is coming down the wire for the city. He told us the North Florida area has a mass migration from all areas of the country. He said that 2500 high-paying jobs are being created yearly and we shoot for a $350 Million increase each year, however, this past year, we saw a $2 Billion increase.

When sharing some company activity, Davis shared that FinTech is becoming the leader for growth in the area. Also, the UK has been actively doing business with the North Florida coast, bringing $650 brought to Jacksonville. He went on to say that Jacksonville is not just Biotech. We have tactical and lifeboat companies, roofing and insulation, and more. Our biggest challenge to draw more is in our talent supply. These jobs are high-paying, and they need high level education and experience.

Davis turned the meeting over to his team member, TJ Ward, who spoke on the opioid crisis affecting the US. Over 111,000 died in the US last year, comparable to a 747 crashing every day. The number is out of control and the Chamber has taken a stand, with the backing of Florida Blue. Project Opioid also has the backing of ten different companies.
In the Q and A portion of the meeting, Davis said there may be a non-stop flight to London, especially with the increase of business alliance.

For the next four weeks, we are not meeting. I want to remind you to mark your calendar for the next meeting, Wednesday, January 10th, at Seasons 52. This will be a special meeting to install our new board (elected at this week’s meeting), and to honor those that served the club this past year.

Have a Happy Chanukah, a Merry Christmas, and a very healthy and safe holiday season.

Jeanne Maron
2023 President