Our upcoming speaker Clay Yarborough Florida State Senate will be giving us his Florida Legislation Update. I did a little research and see Yarborough sponsored a little ole bill Florida Senate Bill 254

“Florida Senate Bill 254 (SB 254) is a law that prohibits gender-affirming care for anyone under the age of 18, places restrictions on adult patients accessing this care, and allows the state to take temporary custody of children who may be receiving gender-affirming care now or in the future.[1]”

It passed overwhelmingly! Good on you Mr. Yarborough! We live in some weird times where doctors are maiming children for life and getting away with it. This kind of activity reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah from the Bible. I’m sure that judgment if not on earth in the afterlife will pass on these people.

Why don’t you hit the link below and reserve your seat at this week’s lunch meeting with Mr Yarborough. It’s sure to be an eye opener as he updates us on how he got this bill to pass.

On another note, this quarters member recruitment contest will be announced! I think we have 11 new members now? I don’t know I’m losing track! Our goal for the year is 27. I bet we smash it!

See you Wednesday!
Mike Best
2024 President