Well its obvious summer is in full swing, we had a great program with Ken Babby, Owner of the Jacksonville Suns last week.  Did you know you can get into a game for $5, get a hot dog for $2 (he specified yes that includes bun and condiments as he gets that question often) and on Thursdays get beer or soda for $1 each and hang out at the new Tiki lounge basically at $15 a person???  You might think as a banker my math is off, but I know our members and it won’t be only one hot dog….or one “coke”, there will likely be multiple refills.  Talk about one heck of a deal in one of the nicest stadiums in minor league Baseball!

There’s no way you could have missed all the eBlasts we sent out about supporting Representative Charles McBurney, obviously that vote last week easily passed at our regular meeting.  I sent an open letter to the Governor on behalf of our membership conveying our support.  That letter went out Wednesday evening copied to members of media with whom I had been in touch for our debate.  Then Thursday morning, thanks to Meredith Tekin & Mike White, we sent out another press release to all outlets conveying the club’s support publicly for the always fair and humble attorney McBurney; we need more jurists like him.

This week Paul McElroy, CEO of JEA will address our group to update us on operations and changes at our local utility authority.  He’s always a great speaker so don’t miss out.  Then Next week is our FIRST Meet-a-member of the year at Advanced Furniture Solutions!  Jeff Hubbard gave us some hints during his spotlight speech a few weeks ago as to what’s in store, and mentioned a “surprise” which he won’t even share with me.  Tickets can be purchased on the SBMC website and you’ll be emailed a receipt.  As the year is halfway over, and this is our first, I hope to see a huge turnout.  This is a new member who has jumped in with both feet and has been heavily active already. Let’s show them how the best club in town does after hours!