Last week our guest speaker was Senator/SBMC member Aaron Bean. Always an energetic meeting with the Senator! We learned some things that happened during the recent legislative session, i.e. death penalty bill, gambling bill, Stand Your Ground bill and more. Always nice being in the know about what is happening in our state!

Next week our guest speaker is City Council Member Matt Schellenberg.

I hope to see everyone at the Meet-a-Member this Tuesday at About Floors N’ More (next to Bonefish on San Jose Blvd. in Mandarin). Tickets are $10.00 for drinks (wine, beer, water, sodas) and appetizers! Where else can you go for a deal like that, not to mention networking with your fellow members! Please click here to buy your tickets online.

See you then and at the meeting on Wednesday!

Julie Clements
2017 SBMC President