We had a great meeting this past week! We inducted a group of new members into our Club and District 6 Councilman Matt Schellenberg shared his thoughts with us on the Mandarin neighborhood and how it should progress in the coming years. Specifically, Mr. Schellenberg voiced his concerns over the sidewalk and road repairs that should take a priority in the local budget. Many SBMC members live and work in Mandarin, so we recognize the need to stay competitive with neighboring St. Johns County in regards to walk-ability, top-notch public education, and infrastructure. We also had a lively discussion about term limits for local elected officials. Councilman Schellenberg believes that the current two-term limit causes too much loss if institutional knowledge and empowerment of unelected staff. He believes that the voters can and do replace those that are not doing a good job. Your thoughts?

I’m looking forward to our guest speaker next week, outgoing City Council President Lori Boyer. It’s been a noteworthy year in Jacksonville politics and I know she’ll have some valuable insights to share with our members.

See you on Wednesday,

Bill Bishop
2nd Vice President