We had an outstanding meeting last week with outgoing president of the City Council, Lori Boyer! The room was packed and we had a lot of guests that hopefully will become new members. We talked about the Council’s accomplishments over this past year, specifically the Opioid Addiction Program. Addicts who go to the hospital for overdosing can now go straight into a rehab facility. 700 people this year in Jacksonville have died from heroin and opioid addiction. In addition, a swimming program has been funded to teach underprivileged children how to swim. It is being headed up by SBMC member Frank Wallmeyer’s wife, Mary Pat. Ms. Boyer won the Attendance Award and received $160, which she donated to the swim program. Frank won the 50/50 ($18.00) which he also donated. This money will buy three children 8 swimming lessons each.

Next week our guest speaker will be State Representative Clay Yarborough.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Independence Day!

See you next Wednesday!

Julie Clements
2017 SBMC President