Last week our guest speaker was Scott Wilson, City Council Member – 4th District. During his first year on the City Council, Scott was chosen as chairman for the Land Use and Zoning Committee, to serve on the Transportation, Energy and Utilities Committee, and to serve as the Council Liaison for the Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Council. He was also awarded the Mary Singleton Award for Outstanding Committee Chair for his role as Chairman for the Land Use and Zoning Committee.

In his second year on Council, Scott was chosen by Council President Lori Boyer to Chair a newly formed Committee: Neighborhoods, Community Investment and Services Committee, to serve on the Rules Committee, to serve on the Election Canvassing Board for the General Election, and as the Council Liaison for the Mayor’s Fitness and Well Being Council.

SBMC’s 1st VP Steve DeSorbo and 2nd VP Bill Bishop have engaged with Scott on the Touchton Road Park civic project. Our Club will be donating the park benches (with plaques attached) and we are landscaping the round-a-bout that leads into the park. There will also be a sign with our name and logo on it. We will let you know when the landscaping day is so you can volunteer to help.

Our guest speaker this week is Lisa Rinaman, the St. Johns Riverkeeper. She’ll be sharing with us her role in protecting our city’s greatest natural resource and also touch upon the topic of river dredging. I will be on vacation so 1st Vice President Steve DeSorbo will be leading the meeting.

Have a great week!

Julie Clements
2017 SBMC President