Jacksonville Jaguars Champions Club Manager Jeff Fingland was our guest speaker last week. The entertainment aspect of the stadium alone puts our city on the map as a top tourist destination, which benefits the local economy. 90 minute tours are available all year round. According to Jeff, the Jags lead the NFL in new season ticket sales.

We held a check presentation at this meeting — $21,000 from the Crump Kirby Youth Achiever Program Charity Golf Classic. Big thanks to all the hard-working committee members, led by Jay Cann. This and other funds are what we use to provide scholarships to deserving youth. This year alone we gave over $50,000 in scholarships.

Last Friday was a great day of golf at the Golf Club at North Hampton. If you missed it, we hold these events every month and the next one is September 21.

See you Wednesday,

Steve DeSorbo
2018 President