We learned a lot last week from our guest speaker, Amanda Videll, Public Affairs Specialist for the Jacksonville FBI Branch.  The Jacksonville branch covers 40 counties in the state and it is the biggest division in Florida.  There is a seminar on November 9th regarding Cyber Security at the UNF University Center.  Special agents from the FBI Jacksonville Cyber Unit will discuss the latest cyber threats, including Business Email Compromise and Ransomware, and provide rare insight into a recent, high-profile FBI cyber investigation.  Local business professionals, government representatives and academics are invited to attend this free event.  For more information contact outreach.jacksonville@fbi.gov
This week’s meeting has been cancelled due to Hurricane Irma.  San Jose Country Club is closed until after the hurricane and won’t have any food for our lunch. 
Please everyone stay safe!
Julie Clements
2017 SBMC President