Last October, SBMC held our 1st annual Duckworth
YAP Jr. R.O.T.C. Charity Clay Shoot
, at Amelia Shotgun Sports.  This was a
well-organized and successful event for our newly formed charity providing scholarships to local high school cadets
for their continuing education, be it college or trade schools.

We had a number of members
who shot, and members who volunteered in supporting various aspects to keep the day running smoothly.

This year’s event will happen this coming Saturday!!  If you think you’d like to participate as
either a contestant, or a volunteer, please contact Mike Russo at (904) 372-3019 or email him

Scenes from last year’s event

Left, Lee High School, Navy Jr. R.O.T.C. cadets kept score at all the stations.
Right, title sponsor, Hank Duckworth, displays his marksmanship skills.


Left, a clay launcher, in action.
Right, current 1st V.P. Patrick Heatherington hits the clay.


Left, Tom Kennedy of Stumbling Steer provided the food!
Right, Eddie Kirby (Dee’s hubby) was on the winning team.  He kept the liquor for the underage
team member (the one NOT smiling).


Beer was only served after the shooting had finished.