Last week our guest speaker was Jeanne Maron, wine educator and owner of The Gifted Cork in St. Augustine. Jeanne has a talent for explaining all the attributes that go into fully appreciating and analyzing a glass of red or white. We learned about “bouquets”, “tannins” and “body”, just to name a few. It was also interesting to learn about the different wine regions of the world and the prized grapes that are harvested for each bottle.

Speaking of wine, we held our much anticipated wine raffle drawing at the last meeting. Since we collected over 20 bottles, we had two lucky winners! Congratulations to Charles McBurney and Amy Gray!

We won’t have a guest speaker next week, as it’s our annual Public Safety Awards luncheon. Each year, SBMC sets aside one meeting to honor our police department for all they do to keep our community safe 24/7, 365 days a year! I hope you’ll join us for this special meeting.

See you Wednesday!

Julie Clements
2017 SBMC President