Meatloaf Monday.  As much as I love the dish, if I had to eat it every week I’d probably get a little tired of the same old, same old.
For years, the Southside Business Men’s Club has entered a float in the annual Veterans Day Parade in downtown Jacksonville.  We borrowed a farm trailer from Bushor’s Tree Surgeons and built a fantastic patriotic themed float for the Parade.  We’d start working in early October for the November 11 event.  This required a fair amount of cost and a lot of labor.  Over the years we’ve been able to reuse some of the decorations, to help cut costs and ease the labor requirement.

But after about 7 years of the same float design, this relationship was getting a little…familiar.  We needed a little something different to spice things up.  I’m talking about the float here folks!  Get your mind back on track.

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This year, Past-President Gene Bushor approached me and said he  wanted to create an all-new design.  No more Statue of Liberty.  No more Yellow Ribbon.  And, no more SBMC ‘skyline’ logo.  This year’s design retains a patriotic theme, but will have a vastly different layout and require ‘live models’ to act out a famous military scene. 
Due to the National Holiday, we are NOT having a weekly meeting at San Jose County Club this week, so I hope all of you will be able to participate in this year’s parade: either as a participant with the float production, or as a spectator.  The Veterans Day Parade is always a lot of fun for our members and their family’s as well.