What am I thankful for?

First and foremost, I am thankful that I have found the true love of my life, and that she feels the same way about me.

Ok, now that I’ve dispensed with the obligatory, here’s what I’m also thankful for.

–I’m thankful to all the people who volunteered their time, donated money, and helped manage our Club events this year.

–I’m thankful that the Jags can actually win a couple of games.

–I’m thankful that I still have both my parents to share time with.

–I’m thankful that our businesses have been good this year for most of us.

–I’m thankful for the roof over our heads, and the time we get to spend together on the couch after a long day.

–I’m thankful that I have my health with me. I hope I didn’t just jinx that.

–I’m thankful that Florida won the SEC East!

–I’m thankful that next year’s leadership will continue to propel our Club to new heights.

–I’m thankful that I have great friends.

–I’m thankful that I get to live in Jacksonville, Florida!

–I’m thankful that I have a good employer to work for.

–I’m thankful every day when I wake up and the world is still here.

–I’m thankful for all the events I’ve experienced, and the people I’ve known over the years, who’ve helped mold me.

My list can go on, but I truly hope that all of you will find a plethora of reasons to be thankful, as well.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!