It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for 2016, and now it’s almost over!  Wednesday 4th VP Mike Russo shared that Hank Duckworth, Jamie Savage, and the rest of the JROTC Clay Shoot committee CRUSHED their fundraising goal.  In its 3rd year, after last year’s $12.5k record, Mike and his team managed to raise $21,298 for the JROTC Scholarship fund!!!  That’s a 70% increase and just $1,702 behind the golf tournament.  Congrats ladies and gentlemen, I’m so proud of our dedicated charities committees this year for going above and beyond through acts of selflessness.

Last Wednesday Congressman-Elect John Rutherford addressed our club on what to expect in his Freshman year in the house.  Apparently, he didn’t get hazed too badly, he said they didn’t send him all over the building looking for his office.  The 50 Freshman drew numbers in a lottery for the remaining offices and he was number 9 out of 50 to choose.  From what he said it sounds like we’ll see dramatic tax reform, John stated the flat and fair tax plans will be debated and he expects some significant overhaul in our ridiculous system.  This would be phenomenal progress, but if they don’t have taxes to argue over, then what will they do all the time?!?!?!  No doubt with Pennsylvania avenue dominantly painted Red we’ll see some dramatic changes, it should be interesting.

This will be my second-to-last message with one last coming on New Year’s Day before we officially swear in Julie Clements and the 2017 leadership.  We won’t have a meeting this week or the following due to the holidays.  Our awards ceremony on January 4th should be a fun celebration of all our accomplishments, and I just realized our 4th female President will take office on the 4th to lead our club’s 85th year!  In the meantime, I want to wish all our members a safe and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and overall joyful holiday season.