There’ll be a new Sheriff in town, and his name won’t be Buford T. Justice, or Andy Taylor.  Sheriffs Bart, Roscoe P. Coltrane, or Pusser aren’t on the ballot, either.  Now I really want to watch all these old movies and shows again!

Today’s Sheriff’s office has to do much more than ‘Serve and Protect’…and it’s a far cry from the concerns of the Hollywood Sheriff.  Our new Sheriff will have to perform a juggling act between the Mayor’s office and City Council, as well as the State Capital.  He has to liaison with the police union, the media, public perception, as well as any concerns within the department ranks.  He must balance between budget restrictions and find cost savings in the minutest areas.  And while he doesn’t control the pension, you will want to know where he stands on the reform issue.

Ultimately, the Sheriff has to effectively manage a force that, (1) offers the most protection coverage for the community, (2) keeps expenses within the given budget, and (3) ensures harmony of his own department personnel.

But how will each candidate approach that goal?

Our SBMC Political Action Committee has made arrangements for you to meet all the candidates at this Wednesday’s meeting!  This will be a unique opportunity for you to ‘feel the pulse’ of those who want to lead our community’s public safety efforts for the next 4 years.  I highly encourage all our members to come meet your candidates.

Because when it comes right down to it, we need more than just a sheriff whose brother-in-law Billy Bob, has the fastest boat on the whole damn river (J.W. Pepper).

End Note: Let me know if you recognize any these characters.  There is some disagreement in our house, as to whether they added value.