This week we had a great panel of members talk to us about the benefits of using a good mix of digital and traditional marketing to make the best use of your marketing budget in these times. While everyone seems to think that print is dead and digital marketing is the way to go, it turns out that a well planned combination of digital and print will get you the most bang for your buck.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Wednesday when our speaker will be Michael Stewart, the Director of External Affairs with the Jacksonville Aviation Authority.

We have a few member socials coming up this month and I encourage everyone who can to attend them. These socials are a way for our members and prospective members to get to know each other better. In my opinion, attending both the weekly meetings and socials is a much better way to build relationships that help to build your business than just attending one or the other!

I would also like to thank all of the members who attended Fred Allison’s Celebration of Life this weekend – it was a testament to the close relationships that SBMC can foster and I know Barbara was extremely touched to have so many members attend. If you were unable to attend but would like to make a donation to help Fred’s family we have extended the time to make a donation to the end of the meeting on Wednesday.

Brandon Stanko
2021 President