Last week we welcomed 25 year Navy veteran and retired Captain Daniel Bean. Mr. Bean serves on many boards in the Jacksonville community. He briefly touched on his involvement with K9’s For Warriors and its’ partnership with Firewatch, a program that pairs veterans with a “watch stander” mentor and works on healing veterans with PTSD. K9’s For Warriors also
hopes to eventually branch out to serve others in need outside of the veteran community, and eventually serve other organizations like Rethreaded.
Mr. Bean is also the president of the Jacksonville Historic Naval Ship Association. He gave us an update on the eleven year to date process on what is going on with trying to bring the U.S.S. Orleck to Jacksonville, its current condition, and if the costs involved with running a floating museum are feasible. There was some skepticism on trying to do this during COVID and if the public would support it. From the reaction we found at our meeting, we would!

If you haven’t gotten it already, you should be receiving the next edition of the SBMC Connector. If you aren’t receiving your mailings, please update your mailing address on the club’s website and with Steve Kaufman at
I look forward to seeing everyone this Wednesday when Jamal Sowell of Enterprise Florida is going to speak. Hopefully we will all learn on how to grow our businesses, especially during these times. One last thing; Congratulations to our President and Sergeant at Arms on their wedding this weekend!

Jeff Volpe
2021 1st Vice President