Though it had been a couple of very cold days last week, it finally started to warm up on Saturday, and we were able to complete our first ‘non-profit member’ project of the year!

As a reminder, throughout 2015 SBMC is partnering with our 5 non-profit members to help them achieve some of their goals this year.  These projects are relatively small in scope, but hopefully will garner beneficial results for everyone. I am very proud of the SBMC relationship with these organizations, and am glad to be a small part the good they do in our community.

Yesterday, we were at Pine Castle, a facility that serves local adults with intellectual and other disabilities, and supports their families in northeast Florida for over 60 years.  Among other contributions they bring to our community, Pine Castle’s Community Employment Program produces industrial mops and survey stakes for sale.  SBMC member, Jon May has been the Executive Director of this facility for many years.  To learn more about what all Pine Castle offers, I encourage you to check out their website at  this is a very heart-warming organization and we are fortunate to have them be a part of our city.

For our project, we purchased and planted some trees and shrubs at the front of the facility.  Annie has posted photos on our SBMC Facebook page.  I would really like to thank everyone who came out to help, and especially Tom Gill of The Yard Warrior, who supervised the planting.  Job well done!!

–Folks, this is exactly what our mission and focus is today.  We are here to improve the lives of the people in all Jacksonville, and specifically those on the southside.