Last week we welcomed Dr. Diana Greene, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. Dr. Green brought us up to date with the county’s current statistics. Having the 20th largest school district with 127,000 students, Dr. Greene mentioned that the district’s main focus currently is to get the majority of students signed back up for “brick and mortar” learning. COVID posted a few challenges, but around 3,000 students have been displaced from the rolls due to the shuffle of being placed
either in person, hybrid, or on the virtual learning platforms last school year. Hopefully everything will get straightened out and this school year will start without any issues.
Dr. Greene also briefly discussed the updates on new schools, consolidation of schools, as well as the current debate on the possibility of moving the school board headquarters off of the river front. For up to date information on all the projects you can visit
This week we welcome Tom Johnson from Manifest Distillery. I hope to see everyone then!

Jeff Volpe
2021 1st Vice President